Category Archives: knee pain

Acupuncture for Knee Pain (Part 2 Osteoarthritis)

Acupuncture can address knee pain. One of the common reasons for knee pain is osteoarthritis of the knee joint. Osteoarthritis is defined as “a degenerative joint disease, in which the tissues in the joint break down over time” by NIH. It is the most common knee problem that I encounter, and it could also be one of the most difficult cases to treat with acupuncture.

Acupuncture for Knee Pain (Part 1 Quadriceps Tendonitis)

In this article, I would like to focus on the type of knee pain that responds to acupuncture very well: quadriceps tendonitis.
The tendon of quadriceps femoris is anchored on the top side of the knee cap. The main function of this large muscle (Which actually consists of four individual muscles) is to straighten the leg. As a secondary function, it flexes the thigh, bringing it closer to the abdomen.