Category Archives: Relaxation

Acupuncture for Emotional Balance (Part 5)

Heart is considered the emperor of all organs in Eastern Medicine. It makes sense because when the heart stops, that is the end of one’s life. For that reason, there is no “Heart deficiency” pattern that we treat in our medicine. There is only the “Heart excess” pattern that is applicable to what we practice.

Acupuncture for Emotional Balance (Part 4)

All the organ systems are equally important in keeping the body in balance, but, for an acupuncturist, Kidney (in an Eastern Medical sense) takes precedence in the assessment of a patient. This is because Kidney is considered as the source of our vitality, controls Yin/Yang balance, plays an important role in reproduction, etc. The list […]

Acupuncture for Emotional Balance (Part 3)

A Chinese classic, Su Wen素問, indicates that pensiveness is the normal emotional state that Spleen supports. In a healthy individual, Spleen should provide good memory and mental calmness to handle affairs in a thoughtful manner. From this perspective, Spleen 脾 (in Eastern Medicine) is not just an organ; rather, Spleen represents the digestive functional unit […]

Take a Deep Breath

When you need to relax, the very first thing you do is take a deep breath. You do this unconsciously because deep breaths are the natural way to breathe. If you observe a newborn, you can see that the baby naturally breathes from the abdomen, not from the chest. The deep, natural breaths your body wants can only be achieved through abdominal breathing.